2,208,395 people were impacted through 45 Area Programs in 581 communities.

1,679 cascade (care) groups reached 19,710 pregnant and lactating women to improve the health and nutrition status of their families, specifically their children.

46,204 individuals are part of 878 saving groups.

6,019 community leaders are prepared to implement DRR plans in 374 communities.

121,818 individuals benefited from GBV and MHPSS programs.

190,721 individuals were impacted through the construction or rehabilitation of 266 WASH infrastructures.

70,288 individuals accessed health and nutrition programs.

1,666,484 individuals have improved food security and livelihood opportunities.

44,082 children have access to education programs.

1,627,894 individuals affected by food shortages received 79,673 metric tons of food rations.

Food for the Hungry Ethiopia works with 2,208,395 individuals living in 581 communities in 45 area programs through integrated community development and humanitarian response. They have addressed emergency food assistance, food security & livelihoods, health and nutrition, prevention of gender based violence (GBV), mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), WASH, education, and disaster risk reduction (DRR).