74,909 people reached through six projects

As part of COVID-19 response, 1,734 people received distributions of food, animals, seeds, and other livelihood support.

17,282 people have been served by WASH interventions including establishment of safe water stations.

2,830 individuals have improved their net income through village savings and loan associations (VSLA).

44,190 farmers have improved their crop production through training.

25 water points were constructed and 51,303 individuals benefited from clean/safe water supplies.

144 teachers were trained and 36,361 children are benefiting from  an improved education as a result.

In Kenya, FH works in Marsabit county and Buuri-East sub-county in Meru to build resilient communities in areas impacted by climate change. FH programs promote the health and well-being of households, strengthen food security and livelihoods, improve learning outcomes for children, and enable representative and accountable governance systems.