239,572 people were impacted through four Area Programs.
87,874 individuals have better WASH facilities through either construction or rehabilitation of 44 WASH Infrastructures.
49,411 people were impacted by the food security and livelihoods program, including training on income generation activities (IGA), food production assistance, and equipping farmers.
65 farmer groups with 1,312 members are skilled agroecological practices and value addition.
27 4K clubs (agriculture clubs in schools) comprising 1,017 children created school gardens, enhancing food security in schools.
4,126 individuals participated in 249 self-help groups with total capital of $136,440 USD and utilized training in leadership and income generating activities.
50,111 children have an enabling school environment through school meals, construction or rehabilitation of classrooms, and hygiene and sanitation interventions.
31,912 individuals implemented 15 DRR plans. DRR training was completed by 190 community leaders.
5,985 people affected by drought received emergency cash transfers totaling $492,527 USD in four Area Programs.
3,006 individual leaders gained the capacity to provide community leadership and management.
37 gender groups with 740 members were established in communities.
Food for the Hungry Kenya works with 239,572 individuals living in 36 communities in four area programs through integrated community development and humanitarian response programs. Food for the Hungry programs promote the health, WASH and well-being of households, strengthen food security & livelihoods, improve learning outcomes for children, and support disaster risk reduction (DRR).