295,078 individuals were impacted through seven Area Programs funded by both grants and private resources.

24,944 individuals increased their income and saved $590,297 USD in assets through participation in one of 831 saving groups.

11,678 community leaders gained skills and are prepared to implement DRR plans in the six area programs.

126,469 individuals accessed WASH interventions.

94,460 people improved access to health and nutrition programs.

109,946 individuals were impacted by the food security and livelihood program.

68,529 children and caregivers benefited through access to the education program.

74,957 youth and farmers developed skills for income generating activities.

1,907 farmers received livestock cash grants totaling $4,168 USD.

21,090 children under two years of age and pregnant and lactating women have better access to 27 improved health facilities.

Food for the Hungry Uganda works with the communities of Adjumani, Amudat, Bukiende, Lamwo, Kitgum, Kween, and Namutumba area programs through integrated community development approaches. In Adjumani and Lamwo, the response is both humanitarian and developmental. The intervention includes health & nutrition, livelihoods, resilience, WASH, education, and disaster risk reduction (DRR).