191,719 individuals were impacted by 31 projects, and 569 savings groups comprising 11,895 members were formed to foster economic stability within communities, accumulating savings of $1,252,079 USD.
61,807 individuals received skills training and were provided with resources to ensure food security and establish livelihoods.
8,928 children improved their academic performance, life skills, and values through organized efforts, including preschool programs, children’s clubs, and essay-writing competitions.
1,902 farmers cultivated saline-tolerant seed varieties in 839 hectares of their saline-prone cultivable land.
12,848 individuals learned about the consequences of child marriage.
94,467 Rohingya refugees received counseling, medical, and other support through the JRRP.
In Bangladesh, Food for the Hungry works with local leaders to build their capacity through an integrated approach encompassing disaster risk reduction (DRR), livelihoods, education, health, nutrition, and WASH to bring about sustainable development in the community. Efforts also include work with Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar through the Joint Rohingya Response Program (JRRP) with the support of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.