35,011 people were impacted through three Area Programs.
317 community leaders and 46 church leaders are implementing 38 community action plans and 72 community development projects. These efforts have increased capacity in leadership, community self-management, church in action, and disaster risk reduction.
7,989 children from 111 communities received hygiene and health kits, enabling them to safely participate in life skills development programs.
1,000 children on Nicaragua’s Caribbean coast received toys, food, and psychosocial support, and 150 families received food packages and livelihood restoration packages in the wake of Hurricane Julia.
767 community members from 133 saving groups with 3,882 active members have savings of $878,768 USD due to their efficient internal control mechanisms and group management. This resulted in the provision of 3,400 loans for family needs as well as agricultural and non-agricultural ventures.
921 technical assistance visits enabled farmers to increase agricultural production of beans, corn, rice, and sorghum. Farmers used tool packages, seeds, and environmentally friendly agricultural practices to improve crop yields and reconciliation with creation.
In Nicaragua, Food for the Hungry continues to work with communities to cultivate hope, faith, and promote sustainable transformational development so that families in the served area may flourish.