111 Community leaders trained in DRR

111 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

28 Community Leader Groups formed

560 members in Community Leader Groups


232 Community leaders trained in DRR

74 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

252 Community Leader Groups formed

4,889 members in Community Leader Groups


84 Community leaders trained in DRR

39 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

32 Community Leader Groups formed

640 members in Community Leader Groups


160 Community leaders trained in DRR

39 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

35 Community Leader Groups formed

495 members in Community Leader Groups


198 Community leaders trained in DRR

40 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

205 Community Leader Groups formed

3,720 members in Community Leader Groups


12 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

569 Community Leader Groups formed

3,175 members in Community Leader Groups


6,019 Community leaders trained in DRR

374 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

305 Community Leader Groups formed

8,743 members in Community Leader Groups


19,890 Community leaders trained in DRR

47 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

663 Community Leader Groups formed

11,678 members in Community Leader Groups


190 Community leaders trained in DRR

15 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

89 Community Leader Groups formed

1,780 members in Community Leader Groups


123 Community leaders trained in DRR

13 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

104 Community Leader Groups formed

446 members in Community Leader Groups


754 Community leaders trained in DRR

48 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

154 Community Leader Groups formed

3,080 members in Community Leader Groups


357 Community leaders trained in DRR

16 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

403 Community Leader Groups formed

2,122 members in Community Leader Groups


4 Community leaders trained in DRR

1,511 Community Leader Groups formed

19,462 members in Community Leader Groups


431 Community leaders trained in DRR

13 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

1,474 Community Leader Groups formed

5,177 members in Community Leader Groups


117 Community leaders trained in DRR

3 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

89 Community Leader Groups formed

1,643 members in Community Leader Groups


94 Community leaders trained in DRR

49 Communities with DRR plan in place and implemented

84 Community Leader Groups formed

2,710 members in Community Leader Groups

Absorptive, Adaptive, and Transformative Capacities

In the fragile contexts where Food for the Hungry works, the pathway to communities’ flourishing is beset by compounding risks and repeated crises. As a result, marginalized people become the most vulnerable to shocks and stress, because they lack access to basic services, safety nets, assets, and job opportunities. Over the past few years, Food for the Hungry has focused on disaster risk reduction (DRR) aimed at preventing new and reducing existing disaster risk and managing residual risk, all of which contribute to strengthening resilience. Over 28,000 community leaders in more than 800 communities adopted DRR plans that reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities to disaster, as well as deal with the environmental and other hazards that trigger them. In the new program model, Food for the Hungry aims to build the absorptive, adaptive, and transformative resilience capacities that will allow us to connect the dots between risks, crises, and root causes that disrupt people’s lives and their capacities to flourish.

Country # of community leaders trained in DRR # of communities that implemented DRR plans
FY22 FY23 FY22 FY23
Burundi 165 754 74 48
Ethiopia 1,766 6,019 112 374
Kenya 274 190 21 15
Mozambique 270 357 10 16
Rwanda 110 123 40 13
Uganda 1,529 19,890 38 47
Bangladesh 60 4 2
Cambodia 1,237 431 94 13
Indonesia 203 117 3 3
Philippines 1,089 94 88 49
Latin America and the Caribbean
Bolivia 4 12
Dominican Republic 271 160 54 39
Guatemala 2,056 111 61
Haiti 84 39 39
Nicaragua 373 232 37 74
Peru 529 198 54 40
Total 9,932 28,764 670 843

Stronger individuals and groups, and the resulting relationships formed, are absolutely key to long-term change at the community level. Through Food for the Hungry’s leadership development programs, community leaders are emboldened to build on the relationships and skills they’ve developed to pursue change in their communities. Over the past year, 70,000 leaders were trained as catalysts to build on their collaborative experience and organized 6,000 groups to bring about lasting change in their communities.

Country Number of Community Leader Groups formed Total number of members in Community Leader Groups
FY22 FY23 FY22 FY23
Burundi 145 154 2,900 3,080
Democratic Republic of the Congo 187 3,740
Ethiopia 292 305 8,669 8,743
Kenya 83 89 1,660 1,780
Mozambique 366 403 1,776 2,122
Rwanda 103 104 438 446
South Sudan 4 80
Uganda 977 663 19,540 11,678
Bangladesh 1,567 1,511 19,286 19,462
Cambodia 411 1,474 2,439 5,177
Indonesia 120 89 1,750 1,643
Philippines 289 84 5,423 2,710
Latin America and the Caribbean
Bolivia 645 569 5,290 3,175
Dominican Republic 35 35 320 495
Guatemala 27 28 540 560
Haiti 32 32 640 640
Nicaragua 98 252 1,965 4,889
Peru 130 205 2,470 3,720
Total 5,511 5,997 78,926 70,320